Currently you can support standard non typed versions of defineProps, such as defineProps(['prop1', 'prop2']) <-- supported in builder sdk in typescript, you would define them as defineProps<{ prop1: string, prop2: number }>() <-- not ...
Add ability to sort CMS data models by any given field directly on Builder
For CMS data models on Builder, you can currently only manually change the order. There's also the ability to filter by field type, but you can't sort by field types
This is useful when we want to restrict the incoming request to files .Probably some group of users should not access the files directly. Provided some key or auth token we can give them access to files.
I encountered a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) error. The error message in the browser console states: "Access to XMLHttpRequest at '
Allow aggregation operations: $cond, $ifNull, etc.
I want to query content items using the query syntax but manipulate the set of returned items based on certain conditions. My main use case is that I want to query for a URL path and a custom targeting attribute. If there's a content item for that...
Include queryParams in appState or toUrl function for Plugins
It would be very useful to have access to queryParams in the toUrl function when building custom plugins. We are building a plugin that uses personalization that usually we include as queryParams so that users can change their state in the UI to t...