Origin: https://forum.builder.io/t/case-insensitive-sort/3624 Clients concern is having to iterate over each pagination of 100 results and then sort. Goal: Allow user to designate case insensitivity in-query. Currently: builder.getAll returns data...
While adding images and videos to the media library is easy via the Upload API, adding fonts to the custom fonts section of a Space is still a manual task. It would be great to be able to upload OTF and TTF file types directly into a Space via API...
Something like an incremental resolution/bitrate based on connection quality or for loop videos to unlimited quality. The algo should understand when to augment/reduce the color depth and audio quality over the resolution and vice versa to accomod...
In working with custom React components that are registered with Builder, it could be very useful to be able to update builderState from the custom component. An example: I have an image gallery component I created and I'd like to be able to direc...
We want to fire a web hook whenever an admin user “Requests to publish” content so that we can build a slack integration to notify the users tagged that a page is ready for review.
add setting to define rounding decimal for insights and metrics
Currently in the insights UI rounds to the nearest dollar, it would be great to be able to show unrounded dollar amounts, or even better to have a setting to defined which decimal to round to
Support for multiple urls with separate targeting on same page
We would like to have the ability to create a page that has multiple URL's with separate targeting. Currently, we are trying to surface the same page layout to different URL's targeted at different segments.
Read through this doc: https://forum.builder.io/t/applying-styles-to-all-builder-pages/1550 and was looking to automate this flow via API. Ideally so we can take CSS that's stored in github (or elsewhwere) and keep our pages in sync. SHould the CS...