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Builder for Developers

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When generating code from figma, I would like the ability to change the path of the images used in the code.

The title is true. Currently, the image is saved as cdn when generating code from layers, I could not change the image references in the code. I would like to be able to change the image path to a local or specified URL or directory.
Guest 8 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Restrict files in Asset library.

This is useful when we want to restrict the incoming request to files .Probably some group of users should not access the files directly. Provided some key or auth token we can give them access to files.
Guest 10 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Error in website

I encountered a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) error. The error message in the browser console states: "Access to XMLHttpRequest at '
Guest 10 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Use alternate global CSS files

Our developer wants to use React-Bootstrap instead of Tailwind for style building. I suspect many other devs will want to use their own style kits. If allowed alternative stylesheets that would be awesome! I understand that these would ...
Guest 11 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Control over resizing algorithm when using Image Delivery API

We would like the ability to choose an alternate resizing algorithm (as you might do in photoshop when performing a downscale). Example options would be Nearest Neighbor, Linear, Bicubic, Lanczos etc.. Ideally we would have the ability to opt in t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Support RegEx on content target

When creating a page that is served as a child node of some dynamic parent node.Given a management platform for events, the user may select on one page an event.When the user navigates to another view, say event-details, this will refer to the pre...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Page Modal - option to lock layers

Currently it is only possible to lock layers manually after an entry has been created. Since our marketing team will be using custom components to build pages, it would be beneficial to be able to lock layers on page modal level to avoid a team me...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

AI Generate Figma designs on Azure Open AI

Hi, good morning First of all, congratulations for your work, I find it amazing, useful and powerful. The other day I discovered your AI plugin generate Figma designs. I am team leader of fronted project. I would love to be able to fit this plugin...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Rich text editor should be able to reference Builder assets

The rich text editor should be able to reference assets uploaded to Builder. It would also be useful to be able to reference an asset, like a PDF, on the same data model. For instance, let's say a CMS data model has a field for uploaded files and ...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

CMS data models locale picker should have the ability to change for all fields

Currently, on CMS data model entries, you can only change the locale picker one field at a time. It would be useful to be able to change to locale for all fields, much like what exists on the drag-and-drop visual editor.
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0