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Ask to discard edits on navigating out of the editor

To prevent accidentally leaving unpublished edits to catch the next editor unawares, it would be helpful from a content editing experience point of view to prompt the user if they want to discard unpublished edits when navigating away from the edi...
Guest about 1 year ago in Content List 0

Data models should have the ability to be locked down to specified users

Currently, you can only achieve this via custom roles and this is would be a cumbersome process to achieve this idea, as you would need to essentially do the reverse and select all user roles that can have access to specific models. It would be ex...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Content List 0

Ability to categorize/group section models

Currently we have a new feature called folders that only group together content entries. I would like the ability to group together different models. For example, I have a bunch of models I use for a specific page of my site. I would like to group...
Nicole Wong over 1 year ago in Content List 1

Video uploads should have the ability to ability to generate a thumbnail at any given time slot

If I upload a video, it would be very useful to be able to generate a thumbnail at any given time slot, on the fly.
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Content List 0

Add a Real-Time Updates API with Websockets

This could be useful for live feeds; similar to how works with websockets. It's actually a feature that DatoCMS has:
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Content List 0

Return to saved view when going "back" from editing a page

Often times I'll search for specific pages (or use a saved view) and then start editing a page. Once I'm done I'll return to the list of pages to update a similar page and have to search or open the saved view again. I'd love to be able to "return...
Guest over 1 year ago in Content List 1

add includeScheduledContent flag to content API

when a user has scheduled content they want to preview on a site or do some testing on, currently the only way to fetch the content from the content API is to manually include the date as a userAttribute: const targetDate = new Date();targetDate.s...
Tim over 1 year ago in Content List 0