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Categories Visual Editor
Created by Sandor Kiss
Created on Jan 8, 2022

Multiple choice custom fields

It would be great to add multiple choice in enums of text field or create a separate built-in field type.

Also addig multiple references in Reference field type would be great.

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  • Korey Kassir
    Jan 18, 2022

    Makes sense, thanks for the feedback!

  • Sandor Kiss
    Jan 15, 2022

    Hi Korey! It's a workaround, but not a perfect solution, because it allows to user to choose the same option twice or more. Also the UI is pretty far from optimal. An html select with multiple="multiple" wpuld be better.

  • Korey Kassir
    Jan 10, 2022

    Ah, I see. One way to solve the multiple choice enum field is to use a custom field with input type "list", and then have the subfield be "text", then use the "enum" option for the text subfield (as outlined in the forum post above). Then people will be able to add multiple options to the list.

  • Sandor Kiss
    Jan 10, 2022

    Hi Korey, by multiple choice I mean that the user can choose multiple options at the same time, like in html select with multiple="multiple". E.g. from a list of 10 options, she chooses 3. The enum creates the possibility of multiple options, but the user can choose only one.

    The multiple reference with a list is a good solution. Thanks a lot for the idea.

  • Korey Kassir
    Jan 10, 2022

    Hi Sandor Kiss! If I am understanding correctly, the multiple choice field can be accomplished by following the steps in this forum post:

    As far as adding multiple references to a reference field type, you can do that by using type "list" with subfield "reference". Then you should be able to add as many references as you need. Hope that helps!