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Have a Folder Structure in the Content Editor

As we grow to thousands of pages in builder custom views falls short: No Ability to Nest Can't click and drag and move content into organization view e.g. multiselect two pieces of content and pick a view to move it into. Needs to fit the specific...
Justin Plemel about 2 years ago in Account 2 Shipped

Bulk Publish Pages

When migrating thousands of blog pages from another platform into Builder, it would be helpful if we could Select and Publish more than one page at a time.
Guest about 3 years ago in Account 2 Shipped

Cloning spaces or model to another space

A feature that would be very benfical to our customers would be the ability to clone a space or to clone a model from one space to another like you can do with content. Most sites have the same foundation which typically have to be recreated every...
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Account 1 Shipped