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Ability to contact support to figure out how to get started without having to pay... Duh.

You have to be kidding me. Stop making people pay for support. Just stop doing it.
Guest 21 days ago in Account 0

Target user role in validation hook

For the purpose of restricting certain fields in a data model from being edited by any user, I should be able to target the current user's role in a validation hook. Something like async function run ( ) { if (context.user.role != 'admin' ) { retu...
Alex Bridgeman about 1 month ago in Account 1

Value Per Session to Insights

This would be especially helpful for A/B testing where the breakdown isn't exactly 50/50 or the test get scaled different mid-test. Seeing value per session is a key indicator that stablaizies across all scenarios of testing.
Brandon Kuipers 2 months ago in Account 0

Allow us to delete ideas

Accidentally created 2 ideas! Let us delete ideas xD.
Sina Lahsaee 3 months ago in Account 0

Assign User Role When Adding User to Multiple Spaces

Currently when adding a new user to multiple spaces the users role within those spaces defaults to Designer. An option to select a user role when adding them to multiple spaces would be very helpful so that an admin doesn't have to enter each spac...
Guest 3 months ago in Account 1

add switch account or logout menu

As using personal account as playground and corporate for work, need the ability to switch accounts or able to utilize both.
Guest 7 months ago in Account 0

Transfer space to another user account

No description provided
Guest about 1 year ago in Account 0

Asset library should have the ability to replace assets, so the same URL is maintained when a new version replaces it

Similar to how if you were to use AWS S3, the same URL can be used for when new versions of the file are added, so it's always kept up to date. Currently, in Builder's asset manager, you can't simply replace assets, like images. You have to upload...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Account 2

Add Filter for Content to show only content that is CURRENTLY Published (exclude scheduled)

It's pretty much all in the title, but it'd be really nice for content that has lots of scheduled updates to be able to easily filter down to just show only the currently active versions of that content. I would think it shouldn't be too hard to a...
Jason Clark over 1 year ago in Account 1

Page URL property when creating/editing Roles

When attempting to limit access to specific pages, the current work around is to create a new property for the Page Model then use this to filter. Then use the Validation Hook on the model to enforce that pages with specific URLs must have this pr...
Julius Dorfman over 1 year ago in Account 0