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Visual Editor

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Ability to have conditional values based off of environment (QA or production), like a .env file in code

Similar to how you might have a .env in code to differentiate between the QA and production environments, it would be useful for the Builder editor to have the ability to do conditional values based off of the environment. For example, you might h...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Always show the toolbar

In older versions of builder the toolbar always dispayed. It's now auto-hiding when the mouse is not hovering. This class in particular (.hide-until-toolbar-hover) causes it. The Issue: When you're developing locally, at a quick glance it becomes ...
Anthony Mineo over 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Asset library should have the ability to be separated by environment

Similar to how I might have both a QA and production bucket in S3. Currently, assets are shared across environments. It would be useful to allow them to be separated by environment.
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Video auto aspect ratio sizing

Update the aspect ratio of a video block when a video of a new aspect ratio is uploaded.
Logan over 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Asset library should have the ability to define permissions per file

It would be extremely useful to have the ability for the asset manager to define permissions per file in order to restrict who can and can't view a file
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Be able to hide/remove the "Inline text editing" toggle

We get quite a few requests from our clients to hide the option for "Inline text editing" provided by Builder.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Publish all symbols on page before page can be published

It would be great to have a way to ensure that symbols on a page are all published before the page itself can be published, so that the page isn’t missing anything when it goes live. This could appear as a warning message ("This page has unpublish...
Alex Pieros over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Prevent “px” from being added to numbers in custom css properties

Most numeric custom css rules that we apply are `font-weight`, `order`, etc. We want a way to prevent the editor from adding the “px” suffix to these on every change.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Allow style edits in Components Only Mode

I want to provide designers the ability to edit styles, but I also want to hide all the built-in components. Currently Components Only Mode always disables custom style.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Non-developers should be able to make custom components on the Builder website builder

Similar to how developers can create custom components, non-developers should also have this ability directly on Builder. Right now, non-developers can either: Create a template Convert template to symbol However, neither of these options actually...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0