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Visual Editor

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Deeper indentation levels for bulleted lists

Currently, you can add bulleted lists to text blocks in the Visual Editor, however it only supports one indentation level, like this: this is a list It would be great to be able to do multiple levels, like this: this is a list
Ersin almost 3 years ago in Visual Editor 1

Add ability to change model names

Would be nice to have ability to change model names after they're created. I can understand why this currently isn't there, since we're probably creating DB entries and API functions underneath, but inability to rename can be confusing. Current wo...
Russell about 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Auto generate Slugs

No description provided
Guest 11 months ago in Visual Editor 0

JSON diff viewer should have the ability to show the visual changes side by side

It would be really nice if there could be some sort of spotlight on a visual diff viewer to point out which things on the model changed.
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Prevent url path collisions

Block publishing pages with the same target attributes. If there is already a page with exact same target attributes editor shouldn't let content editors publish the page. For example only if only Url target attribute is present and another page w...
Jakub Jablonski over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Ability to cherry pick locales to publish (Publish Per Locale)

Similar to how in git you can cherry pick commits, it would be nice to be able to cherry pick which locales would get published for any given content. This would allow different locales to work independently of each other and wouldn't have to wait...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Community Fiddle Library

A place for Builders to share fiddles and ideas with each other.
Harrison McCarey over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Create a view for running a/b tests

When I am on the full list of content that is in our space, I can see which pages have variants and ongoing a/b tests. I would like to be able to filter those out so I can create a view displaying only pages with live experiments. This will allow ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Enhancement Request for Insights Tab: comparing pages

In order to compare page insights/performance in Builder is incredibly time consuming -- you have to click into each individual page then click into insights then download that individual CSV & input it into excel --> you have to repeat thi...
Abby Fillon almost 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Allow drag and drop into the visual editor for images

Instead of having to upload images to add to pages it would be great to drag and drop within the page itself
Justin Saeian about 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0