Currently uiBlocks input type accepts any type of built in and custom components from Builder. I would like it to work the same way as childRequirements for custom components with children where you can define list of components that can be used. ...
The upload API is very limited currently. For context, I'm working on importing a large number of images from an existing system and having to basically just push them all into 1 folder as there is no means to dynamically create folders to help or...
Query filters are great, but let's be honest, if someone builds the user facing functionality, it usually means the search bar need to be as "smart" as possible. Having the ability to filter the content in a fuzzy way would imo add a lot of value
To get translation(Smartling) to a content without publishing
A customer wants to use Smartling to translate content; at the moment, the only way to archive this is by publishing the content. As you can see in the point 1.
Currently you can support standard non typed versions of defineProps, such as defineProps(['prop1', 'prop2']) <-- supported in builder sdk in typescript, you would define them as defineProps<{ prop1: string, prop2: number }>() <-- not ...
When generating code from figma, I would like the ability to change the path of the images used in the code.
The title is true. Currently, the image is saved as cdn when generating code from layers, I could not change the image references in the code. I would like to be able to change the image path to a local or specified URL or directory.