While lazy loading is in general a good thing, you often want to load the first contentful paint normally. To avoid having to write JS to achieve this, this could be done with a simple checkbox option labelled "Lazy Load" in the Block Options for ...
Currently you can support standard non typed versions of defineProps, such as defineProps(['prop1', 'prop2']) <-- supported in builder sdk in typescript, you would define them as defineProps<{ prop1: string, prop2: number }>() <-- not ...
Have the ability to localize everything directly on Builder
I love how easy it is to localize text directly on Builder, but for everything else, you have to either create a data model or localize the entire page. Would be nice to just localize an image (or any of the other basic, built-in Builder component...
To get translation(Smartling) to a content without publishing
A customer wants to use Smartling to translate content; at the moment, the only way to archive this is by publishing the content. As you can see in the point 1. https://www.builder.io/c/docs/integrating-smartling#translating-with-smartling-in-buil...
It is often difficult to identify what's what in the content editor, especially with data model content that doesn't have a visual editor. If you have a list of items that each has an image (1), it would be of great value to see that image in the ...
Abraham Schilling
almost 1 year ago
in Content List
This is mainly a nice-to-have feature, but one minor annoyance of the visual editor is that it will autofill 'px' even when I don't want to use pixels. You are able to override this with your own value, but this gets repetitive. Our team has certa...