The update showing which space you're in while inside of the Visual Editor was super helpful for orienting oneself when one has many spaces open. Can we take it one step further and also show which model you're in? Placing a second pill next to th...
$geoWithin querying and geolocation position data type
Corporate websites and retail platforms often have retail locations that are stored as lat/lng values and need lookup. It would be great if there was a new data type called "Location" that lets you mark a position and the coordinates can be expose...
There are times where we would like to modify the order of tags in a tag field, where we rely on the order it is given by Builder's content API. Right now, you need to delete and re-add in the correct order to achieve this. Drag-and-drop reorderin...
Presently it is very easy to accidentally create typo variants of tags. Seeing a dynamic suggestion of exiting tags within the field as you type would help to alleviate that. I imagine that the candidates would be pulled from all of the tag conten...
Easier way for non-developer to create category/tag pages for blog posts on the Builder visual editor
Creating categories/tags for blog posts is no easy task for a non-developer. There should be a simple way to do it on the Builder visual editor directly.
Have Tailwind CSS built into the Builder visual editor
Tailwind CSS is an amazing tool used for consistent styling. It would be really cool for non-developers to be able to use such a powerful tool like Tailwind directly on the Builder visual editor.
Ability to require a publish message, much like a git commit
It could be useful to require a publish message, much like a git commit, to help understand why a publish was done. This way, it would be easier to understand the commit history, much like in git.
Ability to have branches, much like with git version control
It would be much easier to collaborate if something like git version control were added to Builder. This way, there would be less of a fear of overwriting someone's work or accidentally publishing something that isn't ready. It would be nice to th...