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Ability to setup colors from Application code

Would be nice to have a way to setup colors to be used in Builder Editor, from the application code. Like we register Custom Components to be used, we should be able to setup Custom Colors in the same way. This would enforce usage of pre-defined c...
Adrian Mouly about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Preserve name and extension for uploaded files

When adding a file to Builder, preserve the name and extension when downloaded.
April Dagonese over 2 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

GraphQL mutations

It would be nice for Builder to support GraphQL mutations for the write API, for instance.
Daniel Marcus about 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Content Federation (marrying multiple distinct APIs without duplicating content)

Content Federation is a concept that marries multiple distinct APIs without having to duplicate the content. This would nice to be built into Builder.
Daniel Marcus about 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Ability to have complex data model relationships, like ORMs

It would be nice to have the ability to do complex relationships, which exist in ORMs, such as: One-to-one One-to-Many Many-to-Many One-Way Many-way Polymorphic Inverse
Daniel Marcus about 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 1

Set Preference for QTY of pages viewed

Would love if there was a way to save my preference of having the "viewing # of pages" stay on 300. (or 25, or 50, etc). Right now, every time I click into a Builder page then back to main page overview it goes back to viewing only 25.
Daryll Heiberger over 2 years ago in Account 0

Custom Targeting: Allow for Boolean Logic in Symbols

This is potentially an edge case, but I just had a need for it arise, so I thought I'd submit it. What I'd like to see is the ability to exclude targeting parameters like URL Path. Example: I have a Section (an Announcement Bar) that I'd like to s...
Jason Clark about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Change / Add styles to predefined Compontents

Sometimes you dont want to create a new Component or override and existing one, you only want to add some addtional styles to the "Basic Components" for example, you could add a margin-bottom: ... to the "Text Component"
Noah Wallentin over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Add ref.ref for non-React SDKs

You can use ref.ref inside content JS when using the React SDK to reference the DOM element for the content item, but this feature isn't provided for the other SDKs. This is a very useful feature when you want to manipulate the DOM for just the co...
Ersin Akinci over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Add ref.onStateChange for non-React SDKs

You can use ref.onStateChange inside content JS when using the React SDK, but this feature isn't provided for the other SDKs. This is an important feature when using content JS inside of complex symbols. For cross-compatibility and functionality, ...
Ersin Akinci over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0