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Easier way to bulk update and/or upload content

We are using for a knowledge database in app and creating content in the structured data models is so time consuming. I wish there was a way to bulk upload with a csv or bulk update text fields not through an API.
tess baldwin over 1 year ago in  0

Be able to hide/remove the "Inline text editing" toggle

We get quite a few requests from our clients to hide the option for "Inline text editing" provided by Builder.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Publish all symbols on page before page can be published

It would be great to have a way to ensure that symbols on a page are all published before the page itself can be published, so that the page isn’t missing anything when it goes live. This could appear as a warning message ("This page has unpublish...
Alex Pieros over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Prevent “px” from being added to numbers in custom css properties

Most numeric custom css rules that we apply are `font-weight`, `order`, etc. We want a way to prevent the editor from adding the “px” suffix to these on every change.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Allow style edits in Components Only Mode

I want to provide designers the ability to edit styles, but I also want to hide all the built-in components. Currently Components Only Mode always disables custom style.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Preserve name and extension for uploaded files

When adding a file to Builder, preserve the name and extension when downloaded.
April Dagonese almost 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

Non-developers should be able to make custom components on the Builder website builder

Similar to how developers can create custom components, non-developers should also have this ability directly on Builder. Right now, non-developers can either: Create a template Convert template to symbol However, neither of these options actually...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

AI Generate Figma designs on Azure Open AI

Hi, good morning First of all, congratulations for your work, I find it amazing, useful and powerful. The other day I discovered your AI plugin generate Figma designs. I am team leader of fronted project. I would love to be able to fit this plugin...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Set Preference for QTY of pages viewed

Would love if there was a way to save my preference of having the "viewing # of pages" stay on 300. (or 25, or 50, etc). Right now, every time I click into a Builder page then back to main page overview it goes back to viewing only 25.
Daryll Heiberger almost 3 years ago in Account 0

Page Branches (something like git branches)

By default, there is a master / main branch. A user can create a branch and can select a publish point in the history or just edit the current branch in the editor. During deployment, we can assign a specific branch. If a page does not have that b...
Alchie Tagudin almost 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0