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add switch account or logout menu

As using personal account as playground and corporate for work, need the ability to switch accounts or able to utilize both.
Guest 9 months ago in Account 0

add ability to base data query off variable or state

When I connect Builder data or data from an API or third party, sometimes I want to be able to edit the query within the query UI based on a variable or something within state. Currently that isnt possible. I can use variables within the Custom JS...
Tim about 3 years ago in  0

Return to saved view when going "back" from editing a page

Often times I'll search for specific pages (or use a saved view) and then start editing a page. Once I'm done I'll return to the list of pages to update a similar page and have to search or open the saved view again. I'd love to be able to "return...
Guest over 1 year ago in Content List 1

add includeScheduledContent flag to content API

when a user has scheduled content they want to preview on a site or do some testing on, currently the only way to fetch the content from the content API is to manually include the date as a userAttribute: const targetDate = new Date();targetDate.s...
Tim over 1 year ago in Content List 0

Geocoordinate Data Type in Visual Editor (Map-based data)

All of my mobile apps include maps and points of interest. In order to include those in the CMS, there needs to be a way of entering geopoints, geocoordinates or whatever you would like to call them. From what I can see, the best I can currently d...
Guest 10 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Color picker should have the ability to easily reference by name, similar to CSS variables

The color picker is currently kind of clunky and hard to remember what color correlates to what. In CSS, you can easily reference a variable, like var(--blue) or var(--light-blue), etc. Similarly, it would be extremely useful to be able to easily ...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 1

Add the ability to strictly localize by either just language or country

In some cases, you might want to make a new change in a language, like English and apply that to all locales using English. For example: en-US, en-CA, en-MX, etc. It would be nice to have something built in to easily port all those changes in a si...
Daniel Marcus over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Figma Integration - Import full frames

Customers would love it if we could import full frames. For example - We have a header frame that we could import the nav, hero image, CTA button etc in one go. For now it will only import each element separately which works without any issues - e...
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0 Already exists

Shopify app for Partytown

It would be amazing to offer the performance boosting benefits of Partytown in one click with a Shopify app The app could allow configuring which scripts to load in Parytown vs not
Steve Sewell about 3 years ago in  0

Add ability to add new variations to an A/B test

It seems like once we launch an a/b for a page, we can no longer add new variations for the winning campaign. What is the best way to be able to iterate and run future tests against the winning variation? I'd like the ability to just add a new var...
Tim about 3 years ago in  0