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Make CSS Properties entries use Long Text by default

If you're using a design system based on CSS Variables, you enter a lot of text into the CSS Properties panel in the Visual Editor. Unfortunately, the input boxes are so small (by design) that if you have variables that share the first 12-15 chara...
Jason Clark 9 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Rich text editor should have the ability to add videos and embed from external sources, like YouTube, X, etc. too

It would be nice for the rich text editor to be able to directly embed a video. It would also be nice for it be able to embed from a 3rd-party source like YouTube, X, etc.
Daniel Marcus 9 months ago in Content List 0

Use alternate global CSS files

Our developer wants to use React-Bootstrap instead of Tailwind for style building. I suspect many other devs will want to use their own style kits. If allowed alternative stylesheets that would be awesome! I understand that these would ...
Guest 9 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Make File Content Input not default to Photo

Currently, if you're building a dynamic symbol and add a Content Input of type File, by default it only shows image files to choose from in the Media Library and there's no way (that I can find) to change that default behavior. The Input should be...
Jason Clark 9 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Hygraph plugin

Hygraph is an amazing CMS with federated content. It would be awesome for Builder to have a Hygraph plugin to be able to traverse as a data source on the Builder drag-and-drop visual editor. Builder's competitor, Plasmic, currently has a Hygraph p...
Daniel Marcus 10 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Bring back docsLink

This docsLink prop would be IMMENSELY helpful when building custom components for clients. It's also not marked as deprecated in the documentation, even though this forum post from 2 years ago says it was deprecated then.
Guest 11 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Reordering tags within a field

There are times where we would like to modify the order of tags in a tag field, where we rely on the order it is given by Builder's content API. Right now, you need to delete and re-add in the correct order to achieve this. Drag-and-drop reorderin...
Guest about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Autosuggest in tag fields

Presently it is very easy to accidentally create typo variants of tags. Seeing a dynamic suggestion of exiting tags within the field as you type would help to alleviate that. I imagine that the candidates would be pulled from all of the tag conten...
Guest about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Keep applied filters/pagination etc when navigating back from a page/data model's edit page

It's very disruptive to have to reapply pagination state when making mass edits to a structured data model for example.
Guest about 1 year ago in Content List 0

Easier way for non-developer to create category/tag pages for blog posts on the Builder visual editor

Creating categories/tags for blog posts is no easy task for a non-developer. There should be a simple way to do it on the Builder visual editor directly.
Daniel Marcus about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0