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Add ablity to name list items when creating content for a model

Currently when you create a model and add a list item you can name the list item with some name that will be applied to each item: adding a list named groups with a list items group will name each one group 1, group 2, group 3. It would be useful ...
Nathan Erwin over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Include queryParams in appState or toUrl function for Plugins

It would be very useful to have access to queryParams in the toUrl function when building custom plugins. We are building a plugin that uses personalization that usually we include as queryParams so that users can change their state in the UI to t...
Tim almost 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

Drag n' drop images

Ability to drag an external image on to the page, or on to an existing image element
Will Simons about 3 years ago in  0

Integrations with Auth providers

Implementing authentication and authorization using no-code solutions sucks. There are no straightforward ways to implement high-security login/logout with stateful sessions. All the demos out there either rely on relatively insecure approaches (e...
Ersin about 3 years ago in  1

Starter Library Landing Page - Multiple Starter Templates from CLI

Similar to Gatsby Starter Library Page: Let users a choose a starting template from screenshots of what they're look for Each template gets its own landing page, with its own CLI script to copy/paste https://www....
Adam about 3 years ago in  0

Disabled State for inputs, or "Read-only" / Computed input type

Currently there is no good way to allow defining a visible but non-editable input type. Possible usecases for this would be Custom Code function to enable/disable editing of the input field (possible role-based editing for select fields of a custo...
Madison Dickson 3 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Webhook for subscription usage

The idea is to have better control of the builder usage (page views, etc) So would be nice to have: A way to set a threshold to the different usages Fire the event to the webhook when the threshold is exceeded
Guest 8 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Allow developers to customize the Style tab

Allow developers to edit the style tab. Register new inputs for the style tab, such as overflow settings. Hide/remove inputs from the style tab. Rearrange the style tab. Validate inputs with custom rules and design tokens so that a design system i...
Logan 9 months ago in Visual Editor 1

Asset Library UI

The Asset Library UI is missing a lot of nice to have features that would make it useful for managing a large number of images: Ability to select multiple images for download/delete. A detail view that would show columns such as upload date, filen...
Nick Hughart 10 months ago in Content List 1

Upload API Extensions

The upload API is very limited currently. For context, I'm working on importing a large number of images from an existing system and having to basically just push them all into 1 folder as there is no means to dynamically create folders to help or...
Nick Hughart 10 months ago in Builder for Developers 1