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Add ability to have multiple defaults on the locale picker, like say default languages

Especially in situations where you're dealing with locales that have both country and language like: en-US, es-US, en-CA, fr-CA, en-MX, etc., it could be useful to have an option for default languages set, like: en, es, fr, etc. This way it can ha...
Daniel Marcus 12 months ago in Content List 0

Repeat AI action

Instead of offering choices to do different AI actions everytime I would like to have the ability to use the last one again. Ex: translating a field in a specific language
Guest 5 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Settings for custom tracking events: tracked to session or to content entry

Custom tracking events are currently based on a session, the same as with conversion events. It would be great if there was a setting or something you could pass into a custom event to say this should be tracked to the session or only tracked dire...
Taylor almost 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Provide Audit Logging a Space

Provide audit logging for a space similar to what contentstack does as described here:
Guest 2 months ago in Account 0

Querying Data Based on a Folder

You should be able to easiliy query data based on it's presence in a folder. This would be very handy for using data in query on the page builder. For example, if I am showing a leadership page that displays the list of company leaders it would be...
Guest about 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

childRequirements for uiBlocks input type

Currently uiBlocks input type accepts any type of built in and custom components from Builder. I would like it to work the same way as childRequirements for custom components with children where you can define list of components that can be used. ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Builder for Developers 0

Asset Library: Ability to see where image is used

For asset library organization, it would be really helpful if the for each item in the asset library an editor could see where that asset is being used in content
Grant Lacey 5 months ago in Content List 0

Increase size limit of video upload

Currently, there is a limit of 100 MB per file uploaded. In order to avoid using YouTube or any external service provider as well as to enable our content editors to upload all the files we need, it would be great to increase file size limita...
Stefan Kunze over 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Video Closed Captioning

In order to be ADA compliant, there needs to be an ability to add a closed caption file to videos or a way to have auto generated CC's similar to other video hosting websites.
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Asset Library UI

The Asset Library UI is missing a lot of nice to have features that would make it useful for managing a large number of images: Ability to select multiple images for download/delete. A detail view that would show columns such as upload date, filen...
Nick Hughart 11 months ago in Content List 1