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Visual Editor

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JSON View - either allow for word wrapping or make the JSON View pane able to expand to full screen.

As I've had to work a little more in the JSON View for editing those things that just can't be edited in the Visual Editor, I've felt a lot of pain in how relatively small the JSON View is. I appreciate that typically you want it to not cover your...
Jason Clark 9 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Make CSS Properties entries use Long Text by default

If you're using a design system based on CSS Variables, you enter a lot of text into the CSS Properties panel in the Visual Editor. Unfortunately, the input boxes are so small (by design) that if you have variables that share the first 12-15 chara...
Jason Clark 9 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Add dark mode/first-class themes for content

Builder has implemented the ability to switch between light/dark mode within the editor--awesome! What if we also had the ability to switch between light/dark mode for our content while editing it? So that we can test out different themes in our c...
Ersin about 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

component-specific permissions

For many of the customers where we want to implement, there is an expectation that it is possible to give editing permissions to individual elements in components. For example, we have a hero banner in which a person with certain permis...
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

add limit prop to list input type subfields

We have a common use case of limiting number of inputs on a list input, and currently have to use the onChange function, it would be great to have a limit that sets cap on inputs
Tim over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Make File Content Input not default to Photo

Currently, if you're building a dynamic symbol and add a Content Input of type File, by default it only shows image files to choose from in the Media Library and there's no way (that I can find) to change that default behavior. The Input should be...
Jason Clark 9 months ago in Visual Editor 0

handle blog field // generate slug URL automatically after adding a blog title
Guest over 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Support Tables in WYSWIYG fields

We use WYSWIYG field for Blog content and it allows us to save tables when using the edit as code tab, but removes the tables whenever you make a change in the default preview view
Guest over 1 year ago in Visual Editor 0

Add more UI style options to Style tab

Allow editing of individual borders (rounding, border) Overflow style (`Overflow-X: hidden` and `Overflow: scroll` are common needs) Cursor styles (pointer / grab / zoom) Text decoration and text transform
Logan over 2 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Hygraph plugin

Hygraph is an amazing CMS with federated content. It would be awesome for Builder to have a Hygraph plugin to be able to traverse as a data source on the Builder drag-and-drop visual editor. Builder's competitor, Plasmic, currently has a Hygraph p...
Daniel Marcus 10 months ago in Visual Editor 0