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Custom components for rich editor elements

From one of our customers: It would nice to use custom components for the elements created in the rich editor. As example you could take a reference from this Contentful library @contentful/rich-text-react-renderer - npm
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Visual Editor 1

Add DeepL as an integration

DeepL is a great tool to translate your pages into a different language. It would be great if you could use DeepL within builder to auto translate your pages. You would just hit a button translate, choose your language and then DeepL would transla...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Visual Editor 1

Unpublished changes indicator on Entries page

In working with pages, it would be nice if there was an indicator on the Entries page to show that there are unpublished (saved) changes per document/symbol. It could be as simple as a little dot, or an asterisk prepended to the page name.
Jason Clark almost 2 years ago in Visual Editor 1

Add canonical URLs for organizations, models, content

URL handling in builder is largely dependant on internal state of the web app. For users that belong to multiple orgs, or frequently edit multiple models it would be very helpful for the current URL to capture that state (the org, the model), and ...
Dylan about 3 years ago in  0

Use Builder to override Global Stylesheet

Twice this week i've been asked if Builder can override a site's global style sheet, specifically when they need to change a Heading 1 (for example) globally and they want to do this from Builder. I know we don't offer that yet, but just wanted to...
Julia about 3 years ago in  2

JSON View - either allow for word wrapping or make the JSON View pane able to expand to full screen.

As I've had to work a little more in the JSON View for editing those things that just can't be edited in the Visual Editor, I've felt a lot of pain in how relatively small the JSON View is. I appreciate that typically you want it to not cover your...
Jason Clark 11 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Webhooks for Request To Publish

We want to fire a web hook whenever an admin user “Requests to publish” content so that we can build a slack integration to notify the users tagged that a page is ready for review.
Jason Yang almost 2 years ago in Builder for Developers 1

Allow fuzzy search over the Content API

Query filters are great, but let's be honest, if someone builds the user facing functionality, it usually means the search bar need to be as "smart" as possible. Having the ability to filter the content in a fuzzy way would imo add a lot of value
Guest 6 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Default Map text fields to be longtext (render as textareas)

When working with Map custom inputs, either in Symbols or in Content Models, the default input box is a simple input field. This would probably be fine if the majority of editing on these fields didn't happen in the narrow sidebar, but because tha...
Jason Clark 6 months ago in Visual Editor 0

CMS: Support CSV upload for Data Model

Allow customers to upload a .csv file to generate a Builder Data Model with entries from the file
Logan almost 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0