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Disable Live Sync Globally/By Default for Environments

As of now, Live Sync is enabled for main->{environment} by default for models and content. It would be great to have the ability to turn this off by default; that is, a main environment would not push to child environments AND there would be no...
Chris Zacny 6 months ago in Builder for Developers 1

Allow list of references to use field from referenced content as a label.

Allow list of references to use field from referenced content as a label. We have a long list of possible api errors Currently when viewing the list all you see it 'api-error 1', 'api-error 2', etc It would be nice if instead we could select a fie...
Guest 6 months ago in Content List 0

To get translation(Smartling) to a content without publishing

A customer wants to use Smartling to translate content; at the moment, the only way to archive this is by publishing the content. As you can see in the point 1.
Guest 6 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Localize on a block level

Currently localization of blocks can happen on an individual input level within the block (see attached screenshot), this leaves room for error where a user may input localization for some inputs in a block but not others (i.e. a banner heading in...
Caroline Pisano 6 months ago in Visual Editor 0

Support for long list of user attributes

We have a situation in which retrieving content for page while using a long list of targeting attributes exceeds the length allowed for a URL. For example:{key}/page?userAttributes.targetGroup=women&userAtt...
Ulisses Alves 7 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Allow a note/message when publishing

When publishing, giving the user the ability to add a note to say what changes have been made (like a commit message) to easily see what changes someone made during a publish. ex. changed url from /test to /test1
Guest 7 months ago in Builder for Developers 1

When generating code from figma, I would like the ability to change the path of the images used in the code.

The title is true. Currently, the image is saved as cdn when generating code from layers, I could not change the image references in the code. I would like to be able to change the image path to a local or specified URL or directory.
Guest 8 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Schedulable blocks

Use-case: our pages stay almost the same the majority of the time. For example, we have a slider, promotions carousel, incentives, categories grid, testimonials, blog posts carousel, etc on our homepage. We rarely change that structure, instead a ...
Guest 8 months ago in Content List 0

Webhook for subscription usage

The idea is to have better control of the builder usage (page views, etc) So would be nice to have: A way to set a threshold to the different usages Fire the event to the webhook when the threshold is exceeded
Guest 8 months ago in Builder for Developers 0

Allow developers to customize the Style tab

Allow developers to edit the style tab. Register new inputs for the style tab, such as overflow settings. Hide/remove inputs from the style tab. Rearrange the style tab. Validate inputs with custom rules and design tokens so that a design system i...
Logan 9 months ago in Visual Editor 1