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Notion-style editing

An editing mode like in Notion or Medium, that is more text-oriented, would be really nice for creating things like blog posts, docs, etc
Steve Sewell almost 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Include Draft Status Column on Content Page

It is very difficult to tell which pages I have been working on and need to send an update. does something similar to this by including a simple pencil or Up arrow on the list view
Guest almost 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0

When editing white text, it would be great to see text in rich text editor

Building pages, I often have white text over a color or image background. When I am editing the text in the rich text editor if it is white, I am unable to see what the text looks like. It would be great to have some visual change in the RTE to ma...
Tim about 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Make p value for statistical significance be editable within dashboard

AB Testing is an important step towards optimizing content and conversions on any site, though sometimes with high traffic pages, it's difficult to make statistical signifance at the benchmark standard %95 to define a winner (Builder's default). M...
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Visual Editor 0

Form: Customize body

Customizing the body would be incredibly useful as some POST body has different schemas. example: body: { person: true, characteristics: { eyes: brown, hair: bald, weight: 180, } }
Guest about 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

Hide Builder-generated console errors/warnings in all or just production environments

Sometimes Builder can generate a decent number of warnings in the console, depending on how your page is set up. It would be nice to have a flag in the SDK that can hide console warnings/errors production environments
Tim about 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

Android SDK

We have a React Native SDK that works great with Android, but would be great to also have a fully native Android SDK as well
Steve Sewell about 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 0

Allow custom React components to have child dropzone "+ Add Block"

Create a React component that allows components that use withChildren to render a drop zone when no children are present. This would help in the case when the defaultChildren are deleted or not present. import { ChildDropZone, withChildren } from ...
Will Simons about 3 years ago in  3 Already exists

Slug field and custom validations

From customer: I am trying to add a slug field for content type models, but right now the only option that really works for this is the “text” field type. Unfortunately, text fields on content models do not allow any real validation (outside of “r...
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Builder for Developers 2

'View As' functionality in-App for existing roles

Would be great to see what a designer would see in terms of set-up. As a developer, it’s hard to see what an non-developer might see or have access to, and to make sure components are registered appropriately, or certain data that they will have a...
Taylor Miller about 3 years ago in Account 0